Come on in: Front door re-do

Easy DIY front door re-do

I have a Halloween costume to finish, but by way of procrastinating a shouting match with my sewing machine here’s an update on our front door re-do. It’s far from finished — something needs to happen to that mailbox, and there’s no front porch decor yet, and is it just me or does the storm door now need an update since the black clashes with the navy? But, it’s a start.

Easy DIY front door re-do

We painted the front of the door a dark navy (it always shows up lighter in pictures) — a small step in moving this all-brown brick with brown shutters abode into the colorful 21st century. I added white vinyl door numbers (excuse the quick Photoshop job for privacy) found on Paxton Cove, an awesome flash deal site for craft supplies and home decor. We painted the old-school brass fixtures with Rustoleum’s Universal Metallic Spray Paint in satin nickel, and it’s holding up superbly. The finish is so smooth and thick that I’m not at all worried about it chipping or peeling any time soon. The original door included a kick plate, which we haven’t replaced — still deciding on that one. I also can’t tell if I want more happening with the wreath, or if I like the simplicity. I made it using THIS tutorial which was super helpful.

Happy fall, y’all!