Turquoise-and-fuschia laundry room reveal

There’s something about doing the laundry in a room that’s colorful and makes you happy that makes the process seem less menial. (Or, maybe it’s the wine I drink while folding clothes. Toss up.)

After a bit of searching for some accessories — I’m a bit Justice Stewart-esque with home decor: I know it when I see it — this little piece of the daily grind is finally finished. It’s one half of a side room at the back of the house that also houses my home office (let’s all just take a minute and offer some praise and thanksgiving for having a command central space, hallelujah), and therefore, on the first floor. I had not known the wonders of having your laundry machines on your main living area prior to this house, and can I just say? It. is. awesome.

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The paint is Valspar’s Aqua Quartz — it’s somewhere between a turquoise and a Tiffany blue. Some room highlights:

The rugs are, I think, meant to be bath mats, but I found them super cheap on Amazon and they fit the bill. Considering they are hot pink, they’re probably also meant to be in a six-year-old’s bathroom; I’m choosing to think that makes me young at heart, if not taste.

I made the sink skirt similar to THIS tutorial from 30days, although I got lazy at the end and just sewed one stitch down the middle of the ribbon at the top, and I should have taken the time to do a top-and-bottom stitch; it would have looked a lot more finished. One day when I’m bored (ha!), I plan to rip it out and do just that. But for now, it gets the job done. I’m sure you can buy plain white cotton somewhere, but I just bought a cheap plain flat sheet from Walmart, cut it to size and hemmed the bottom. I could have sewn on the pink rickrack, but just hot glued it along the top hemline instead. Fast and hasn’t budged. I hot-glued a strip of velcro around the sink rim, and sewed the other side to the skirt while I added the ribbon border. Easy peasy.

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To fill the empty space between the cabinets and machines, I had the hubs use a shelf we had leftover from a closet re-do — it’s the Rubbermaid kind from Lowe’s, and we just bought a couple of white brackets from that same aisle. I threw in a few decor elements, but most of what’s here is practical, too.

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One of cutie pie’s six-month pictures, and a jar of washing soda (both pretty and completely usable, hence the scoop) and a jar of DIY felted wool dryer balls (again, pretty but definitely usable), tutorial HERE. I used THIS tutorial and had no problems. I found the wool when it was on sale at JoAnn Fabrics, and the washing soda at Walmart. I have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in the cabinet, and can use the two to make a homemade version of Oxiclean, if needed.

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The antique washboard was an Etsy find from THIS shop; the basket I’ve had for years (it held the programs at my wedding), and I use it to hold all the random stuff I find in pockets while doing laundry, or the occasional lost sock. I found the wooden “Smile” at JoAnn Fabrics, and gave it a coat of paint. It’s a nice reminder to stop grousing about housework and be grateful you have a house to gripe about.

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I love this — found it HERE from Live Simply by Annie. The hubs often complained that he was afraid to do my laundry because of all the special care instructions, most of which are only symbols that he doesn’t understand. Problem now solved, right?? Seriously, though, you can use Google Images and find a TON of these. Just print and frame and you’re done.

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I bought the print from THIS Etsy shop, and in a slightly daring move, gave several coats of paint to a black cast-iron iron I picked up at a rummage sale several years ago. I love how it turned out, and the color it adds to the room. I picked up several basic white hand towels and sewed a hot pink ribbon to the hem for some added flair, too.

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Last, I followed THIS tutorial from Hill Country Homebody and made a quick clothespin mirror — seriously, this is a super fast and easy project that looks like it was a lot more intensive. I might like one slightly bigger in this space, or maybe a simple vinyl quote above/below it, but for now, it works.

This isn’t all to say I might not add to/change up what’s here eventually…and I have the Pinterest board of ideas, just in case 🙂 I’m OBSESSED with the movable laundry basket drawers. Follow my Laundry Room Board HERE.

See my other room reveals as we make our way through this new house, one wall at a time:

Bright and organized playroom

Turquoise & fuschia home office

Shabby chic foyer

Craftsman-inspired chocolate-and-sage nursery

9 thoughts on “Turquoise-and-fuschia laundry room reveal

  1. Pingback: Little lamb nursery reveal | The Sensible Home

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  5. Pingback: First impressions (A foyer reveal) | The Sensible Home

  6. Pingback: Getting to know you: Adventures in homemaking (and playroom reveal) | The Sensible Home

  7. Pingback: Turquoise & fuschia home office | The Sensible Home

  8. Love, this blog. Well written and detailed, full of great easy to do ideas. Keep it up, I love reading every word. Your pictures are also colorful and show your flare for design. Love all of it!


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